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To Britney Dehnert Books


Britney Dehnert


I'm a nature-lover, a poet, a multi-genre writer, an English teacher, and an indie author. I write character-driven stories that take place in a world the reader can immerse themselves in, with the essentials of mystery and suspense, always a dash of action, and sometimes a sprinkling of light romance. Once a year, I also publish my prayer poetry!


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Truth in the Dark (digital cover).png
Tired Mama Cover.jpg

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to get the first Ebook in the

Ginnie Harper Mystery series for free!

In a bustling city thrumming with innovation, a tenacious reporter hunts for truth in every story and street corner…


…until she finds the body of a burlesque dancer with wounds from an unknown, volatile weapon.

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to get the first Ebook in the

Epoch Mythos Fantasy series for free!

Nothing is as it was meant to be. On the day of her wedding an elven princess with dormant alchemic powers is captured.


Two kingdoms, desperately close to unifying, are torn asunder. A dark beast once thought to be extinct now roams free.

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to get the first Ebook in the

Hold Me, God Poetry series for free!

Are you tired, Mama? Do you ever find yourself unable to express what you're thinking to  God? Is your baby filling your life to the point that you're feeling lost? Do all the daily issues of being a mom overwhelm you?


You're not alone.

About the Author

Novel writing is discovering an unfamiliar story within a familiar mind. Reading is surrendering to another person's world, a world that can exist in your mind, too, until it becomes just as real to you as to me. When I begin a story, I start with a character. Until I hear that character's voice, the story is just an idea. When the character is born, the story is born, too.


Even as a young child I was always conjuring up stories and filling them with colorful characters, sharing them with my classmates and parents. Since then, I reached my goal of writing a novel, and then I couldn't just stop at one! At heart , I'm still that little girl who loves sitting down with a piece of paper and getting lost in another world with people who only exist in my head - until I can share them with you! That's one way I write my sense of wonder; another way is through poetry, usually when I need to express something I'm feeling or thinking but can't do it any other way. How do you express your heart? Send me an email below and let me know! I love hearing from readers.

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Check out where we are in the creative process of bringing our next story to you!

We are excited to be working on the next book in the Ginnie Harper Mysteries series.





World building, characters, motivations, plot points, conflict, tension, resolution...

Tone, pacing, clarity, revisions, re-writes #WhatWasIThinking...

Consistency, sentence structure, comas, covers, adjectives, more comas...

Promos, pre-orders, landing pages, descriptions, key words, emails...



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